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Meet The Team

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Ian Dodgson


When I look back at what God has done in my life since I was Born Again in 1984, I am both amazed and overwhelmed, and I want you to know that what He has done for me, He will do the same for you, and more!


David Pettit


David, met Jackie his wife when they were 12 years old eventually marrying and were blessed with two sons and a daughter. He works as an Agronomist (Plant Doctor) advising farmers across North Yorkshire on crop husbandry.

 Although he was brought up as a tentative Christian as a child, he did not begin a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ until he experienced a series of personal and family challenges. This culminated in 1998 when their youngest son was diagnosed with Leukaemia.

Eventually David trained and became the Volunteer Chaplaincy Visitor for the Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust working on the Paediatric and Teenage Oncology and Haematology units along with the related intensive care wards.

In this role he observed and experienced the extreme suffering of others but, through circumstances he and his family have lived through personal suffering. He is not a theologian or Christian academic, he is just a man, a son, a husband and father who has walked with the living God and experienced His Goodness even in the darkest of times. He personally knows and wants to share of the Goodness of God and that there is an answer to this broken world and that it can only be found in Jesus Christ.

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Beryl Cosens

Able Arranger

The Bible says there is no limit to God and I believe it, so I think we should 'think big' where He is concerned - let our faith grow. Talking about Jesus is my first passion - I want others to know the wonderful help and blessings He has for us, if only we'd trust Him. Please come and join us one of these Sundays - you'll be very welcome.


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